Bend WebCAM Wrap Up

From Smart Solutions

Two full days of networking, listening, asking questions, tweeting and taking notes have come to a close, and it’s time to look over everything that we learned—which isn’t easy. There are a few things that stood out throughout the conference, though—and we’ve outlined them here! At the bottom of this post, we also have a link back to the Bend WebCAM live blogs, so you can get more in-depth information on each individual session.

Don’t Neglect Social

The rising importance of social media was discussed in almost every session this year—but as a supplement to SEO, not replacing it. Many speakers (Danny Sullivan, Marshall Simmonds, Eric Enge) also stressed the importance of a Google+ account and optimizing it with keywords, connecting it to your website and setting it up for Google Author.

There was one entire session on Pinterest this year, from Andy and Matt at Avalaunch. The session outlined the history and development of the visual social network, and gave ideas on how to optimize your website for it (don’t use flash!). They also gave us a great site for tracking Pinterest analytics:

And of course, throughout the entire conference, we were all tweeting and taking pictures and posting to Facebook all the things we learned!

Accept Google Algorithm Changes

Danny’s opening keynote was extremely helpful on a lot of subjects, but there was one thing that stood out the most in his presentation: Google is going to keep on updating their algorithm, so just live with it. It may be harsh, but it’s true! Google is still the number one search engine—and will be for a while—so if you can’t accept their algorithm changes, you’ve got a problem! Danny had a lot of other insightful things to say, and it was awesome having him at the conference!

Interactive and Connected Marketing

The time of throwing out information and hoping someone hears is far behind us in 2012. We’re deep into an age where people expect their ads to be tailored to them, to relate to their circumstances and to interact with them. You’ve got to know your customers and how they want to be marketed to. Make it more personal, use video and let your customers get involved in your brand!

SEO is not a Project

This was a favorite point of ours—from Marshall’s session on Bootstrapping your Search Marketing Program. In his session, he made sure to stress that SEO should never be viewed as a one-time project—but as a part of the ongoing content structure. Each company should have an SEO strategy for ongoing site search engine optimization.

Slow Down with Digital Marketing

In Cal Wexley’s session entitled “Thinking,” he made it very clear that it was time for all of us to stop publishing for the sake of publishing, and to go back to simply being creative. Create ideas that are simple and repeatable—and try your best to be the best part of somebody’s day!

So often these days, businesses get focused on pushing out content and getting their name out into the public space, that they forget to spend time thinking and figuring out just what it is their customers are looking for. Slow down with your marketing—and think!

Bend WebCAM 2013

Bend WebCAM was once again worth every penny, and we were so happy to be a part of it! And it might be a little early, but be sure to block out October 24th and 25th of 2013 for next year’s event!

Check out the live blogs for more information on the sessions at Bend WebCAM 2012.